New Year, New Look, New Location
13 years ago
Webster, John B. “Biblical Reasoning.” Anglican Theological Review 90 (2008): 733–751 (quote from p.739)."If human creatures hear and know [the Word of God], it is because God the Holy Spirit makes them hear and know. This hearing and knowing are genuinely creaturely acts - were they not, there would be no fellowship between God and creatures but simply a divine utterance into a void. But the hearing and knowing of human creatures are spiritual acts, that is, acts for whose description we must employ language about the Holy Spirit."
The important point to remind ourselves of here is that it is a mistake to rely on absolute categories when thinking about hermeneutics. We cannot rightly divide ways of thinking about hermeneutics into bipolar camps of either structuralism or poststructuralism, foundationalism or antifoundationalism, ontology or epistemology, textual or authorial, literary or philosophical, etc. These categories represent uneven tensions within hermeneutics that transgress simple boundaries and disciplinary lines...
Hermeneutics is a hybrid of that which is, that which came before, and that which is becoming. It is ontological, epistemological, and far more... hermeneutics and interpretive theories continue to expand and develop in new directions... Our belief is that the future of hermeneutics will be one in which the very conception of what it means for humans to understand will continue to develop, most especially so as we find new and more helpful ways of describing our being-in-the-world and being-with-others - including our very complex and changing relationships with the written word. (loc.4120)